Monday 4 April 2011

The Wonderful Cyber World of the Internet

The internet is probably the most important forms of communication and information transfer today. It brings so many resources to the table for people to gain information and communicate with one another. Before computers and the internet people relied on libraries and books to learn new information. Keeping in touch with someone was limited to post and phone. Now with email, social networking, and face time programs like Skype, mail and post is almost extinct. The internet provides endless possibilities for it's viewers in the sense that someone can do all of their shopping, pay all of their bills, read up on the news, watch a movie, as well as send emails to their family on the other side of the world in a matter of seconds without even leaving your computer desk chair. Before these luxuries, tasks like these would take considerably longer and with substantially more effort. With the internet there obviously comes art and design to create the layout for each page seen on the web. Without digital art the internet would be none existent. I am not going to post a link for this particular post for the reason that if you are reading this you are more than likely on the internet so this web page is the example. Special thought has been put into the creation of this page so that it is both functional as well as visually appealing. In closing the internet is a endless abyss of information and design and it is a piece of art that aids everyone throughout their daily lives.

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